Name of provider
Three Bridges Education Centre
Name of course
Post 16
Who is this course intended for
Students, with a diagnosis of ASC or associated conditions, who are struggling to access education in mainstream settings.
Site/s where available
Blackwater, Truro
Key contact for questions about course
Kathleen Hampshire
01872 561010
Duration of course
According to need, until the end of the academic year in which the student is 19.
Age range if applicable
16 – 19
Key course content and outcomes
bullet points
Courses are organised according to individual need but will include:
English & Maths Functional Skills (C&G accreditation)
ICT Functional Skills where appropriate
ASDAN short courses/Towards Independence modules
Work related learning
Food technology (ASDAN accreditation)
Preparing for adulthood
Personal transition programme
Entry requirements
Students will have an identified learning/cognitive need as specified within their EHCP; the EHCP will be fully discussed at student’s Year 10 review which will determine the suitability of the Post 16 offer.
Available qualifications
Personal programmes of study with ASDAN modules selected according to interests and ability.
Functional Skills English and Maths, ICT if appropriate
Duke of Edinburgh (Bronze & Silver) if appropriate
Likely progression
Students follow a person-centred programme of learning designed to enable them to achieve Preparing for Adulthood outcomes according to their ability, interests & needs.
Additional charges for families
e.g. swimming, pocket money for shopping
Optional expenses for families
e.g. non-essential trips
Timing across the week
5 days per week, 9:00 until 15:00
Other Information