Name of provider
Special Partnership Trust
Name of course
Post 16
Site/s where available
Curnow School, Drump Road, Redruth, TR15 1LU
Doubletrees School, St Blazey Gate, St Blazey, PL24 2DS
Nancealverne School, Madron Road, Penzance, TR20 8TP
Key contact for questions about course
Rob Armstrong – Curnow School
Claire Poyner – Doubletrees School
Naomi Thomson – Nancealverne School
Duration of course
All schools offer a three-year* Post 16 course for students with SLD, PMLD and ASD
*The SPT will use the Year 13 review to discuss future educational options with students/their families which will inform Year 14 provision
Age range if applicable
Key Stage 5 (Years 12, 13* and 14)
16 – 18
*The SPT will use the Year 13 review to discuss future educational options with students/their families which will inform Year 14 provision
Key course content and outcomes
bullet points
Each of our schools’ address English and Maths in the Functional Skills; these core areas can also offer accredited pathways (where appropriate) supporting such learners through ASDAN, AQA and EDEXCEL to gain Functional Skills and Entry Level qualifications. Differentiated learning outcomes (personalised targets) in English and Maths are identified for each student which are addressed throughout the school day / week. Assessment is undertaken via the Adult B₂ assessment framework.
Our Post 16 curriculum has been designed over three strands (identified below); each strand has a fundamental aim of assisting our students to develop/further develop their skills, knowledge and understanding which helps prepare them well for adulthood. Each of our schools will offer all students and their families continued support, advice and guidance to enable a successful transition from school to their future destination.
Curriculum strands:
- Work Related Learning recognises that a young person’s aspirations and career thoughts/ ideas are the beginnings of their pathway to learning and work. It is our mission to provide our students with meaningful opportunities to enable them to experience/engage in the world of work providing provide impartial careers information, advice and guidance and appropriate access to educational opportunities, which will support such aspirations
- Life skills and independent living; through our bespoke provision we support our students in becoming as involved and independent as possible within life skills and independent living skills to support their next steps into adult life
- Health, well-being and relationships supports our fundamental aim that all students should lead as healthy a life style as they possibly can by enabling them to be a valued member of both their school and wider communities. Students should feel safe, know how to keep themselves safe and most importantly be happy. Schools can offer personalised
‘Healthy Lifestyle’ challenges designed for each Post
16 student where relevant.
Students who have PMLD (Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties) address learning outcomes which are identified from their EHCP outcomes and following a period of observation using an engagement profile which examines the 7 pre-requisite areas of learning within Cognition and Learning. This ensures all learning is fully informed; targets identified are addressed within each student’s daily timetable which can include sessions where they join their Post 16 peers in teaching sessions within any of the three strands of our curriculum offer.
All schools within our Trust address the preparation for adulthood outcomes identified within students EHC Plans incorporating such outcomes into the school day/week; this is achieved via the identification of personalised learning pathways and associated personalised learning plans (target led) for each student. Opportunities which enable young people to develop their aspirations, interests and hobbies to further develop their sense of belonging to the local community in which they live and where they attend school are addressed via their personalised learning plans.
The schools within our Special Partnership Trust uses any advice and guidance received from members of a multi-agency team (e.g. – Speech and Language Therapist) who contribute to the Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). Outcomes (targets/plans) are addressed via each students personalised learning plan/school offer.
Entry requirements
Students who attend our Post 16 provision will have an identified learning/cognitive need as specified within their EHCP; the EHCP will be fully discussed at students Year 10 review which will determine the suitability of the SPT Post 16 offer.
Available qualifications
Accreditation – Accreditation routes (Personal Progress* and Personal and Social development*) are personalised for each student; all/any module selected is fully informed by the ability level/needs type of each student. Any module selected must enhance learning and may include:
- ASDAN – Personal Progress* – modules can include the areas of Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, Personal Development, Community participation, Preparation for work including developing skills for the workplace
- ASDAN – Personal and Social development* modules can include Community Action, Environmental Awareness, Healthy Living, Making the Most of Leisure Time, managing own money, Parenting Awareness, Personal Safety in the Home and Community, Preparation for Work, Using Technology in the Home and Community
- * Modules studied
- AQA – Functional Skills Entry Level Maths (available September 2019 when assessment determines student readiness)
- EDEXCEL – Functional Skills Entry Level English (available September 2019 when assessment determines student readiness)
- Pegasus Award
- Arts Award
- ASDAN – Personal Progress/Personal and Social Development
Likely progression
Students will pursue key modules of accreditation when these are meaningful, adds value to their learning outcomes and leads them well into preparation for adulthood; accreditation routes have been produced to ensure accreditation pursued/awarded support the identified strands delivered via our curriculum offer and helps inform future destinations.
Additional charges for families
e.g. swimming, pocket money for shopping
Each school will determine any voluntary contribution which may be requested in accordance to the policy held by each school
Optional expenses for families
e.g. non-essential trips
Some aspects of the Post 16 timetable may include opportunities for students to undertake educational activities which are outside of the formal curriculum offered – e.g. – Ten Tors challenge. Each educational activity will identify the cost of any payments requested from parents
Timing across the week
Monday to Friday (full time education Year 12 – Year 14)
Curnow School – school day – 8.55 – 3.15
Doubletrees school – school day – 9.15 – 15.30
Nancealverne School – school day – 9.10 – 3.20
Other Information
School websites:
Curnow School –
Doubletrees School –
Nancealverne School –