Learn 2 Cornwall Ltd is a small and specialist education provision and was established in 2021.

Kyrstie decided to combine her extensive experience of education, adult social care and day placements. She has been a teacher for over 12 years, worked with Mencap and created and managed another specialist post-16 provision which ignited Kyrstie’s passion.
“We have seen many young people thrust into adulthood! generally with very little skills gained throughout education who then ‘fall off the cliff’ when they finish. This is what we want to change”.

We have an incredibly experienced team with all tutors/coaches having over 10 years experience in working within the field of Special Educational Needs at post 16.

What is our vision?
Our vision is to offer as many skills, qualifications and opportunities as possible. We try to work on an individual basis where we can and take a holistic approach to becoming an adult. All our learners progress, some small and some large but we still celebrate each success together.
We are based in Penzance and offer:
• Small class sizes
• High levels of support.
• qualifications and work experience on and off site
• access to small animals,
• lots of open space,
• gardens and,
• peace and quiet

Learn2 Cornwall are constantly updating our offer to meet more needs as well as enabling young people to try new things and be able to make more informed decisions. We strongly believe that everyone can learn, we just need to find different ways to help you do so. We also have a passion for making learning fun so the learners don’t always realise they are learning!

If you are a school leaver and are feeling overwhelmed about attending a large college environment? Why not come to Learn2 Cornwall first as a stepping stone.
Learn2 Cornwall is an alternative to college where you can gain qualifications, work experience and independence.

We also offer a year long transition programme which then prepares you for the next steps in your life whether it be education, day placements or moving out. We work in a person-centred way to try and support young people to access as much as possible.


Learn 2 Live & Work and Transition 2 Adulthood

Learn 2 Live & Work

Achieve either Skills for Living & Work or Employability and Development Skills qualification between Entry Level 3 and Level 1. Gain Independent living skills such as personal health & hygiene, money skills. Work experience, confidence building, getting out in the community and environmental & sustainability.

Transition 2 Adulthood

Independent living skills such as – doing the dishes, cooking, washing, ironing, laying the table, making the bed, personal health & hygiene, looking after the home, money skills.

Work experience and/or volunteering, environmental & sustainbility, exploring day placements.

This acts as a final transition out of education and into Adult Social Care where you will look to create your week once education finishes.