Name of provider

Cornwall Rural Community Charity

Name of course

Work Your way

Site/s where available

Penhaligon House, Truro / The Penwith Centre, Penzance

Key contact for questions about course

Martin Prodger
07732 604467

Duration of course

Supported internship which is a progression from the programme of study or can be a stand alone for 1 year.

Age range if applicable

16 – 24 with an Education and Health Care Plan

Key course content and outcomes
bullet points

  • 3 days per week
  • 2 days with an employer and 1 day a week undertaking job club, peer support, travel training, employment activities.
  • Each individual learner will be found a work placement that meets their aspirations and interests.
  • Suitable for leaners who are closer to work
  • In work support provided.

Entry requirements

Students will have an identified learning/cognitive need as specified within their EHCP; the EHCP will be fully discussed at students ECHP review which will determine the suitability of the Post 16 offer.

Available qualifications

Accreditation – Details of Accreditation routes; are these personalised for each student? How are modules selected?  Examples might include:

Ascentis progression qualification
with units in:

Personal development, making choices, group and team work, presentation software, health and safety, hospitality, customer service, personal career preparation, preparing for work, introduction to retail, plan and cook healthy meals, work experience, enterprise, personal budgeting and money management, preparation for interview.

Units taken will depend on the size and level of the qualification taken which is individual to each learner.

Functional maths and English units are also provided in:

Spelling, engaging in discussions, speaking to communicate, time, developing and applying number skills, division of whole number, money – adding and subtracting and handwriting skills.

Likely progression

This programme aims to prepare young people for the local job market and to help them move towards work, volunteering or meaningful activity.

Progression from the programme of study is either to work, volunteering or meaningful activity or a supported internship

Progression from the supported internship is to work, volunteering or meaningful activity.

Non regulated learning helps to prepare learners for the adult world by equipping them to make and maintain safe personal and social relationships, make safe decisions, understand the importance of personal health and hygiene and know how to be safe online.

Additional charges for families
e.g. swimming, pocket money for shopping


Optional expenses for families
e.g. non-essential trips

There may be a small charge for enrichment activities week, however we seek external funding for this in order to minimise the cost to parents.

Timing across the week

Truro (Monday to Wednesday 9.30 to 3.30)

Other Information

Contact Cornwall Rural Community Charity

Website address: